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tips on saving gas mileage

6 Tips to Improve Gas Mileage

With the continuous increase in gas prices, it wouldn’t be surprising for many car owners to find ways to improve gas mileage. You can’t control the fluctuations of gas prices; however, you can adjust your driving habits to use gas in the most efficient ways possible. Here are six useful tips to improve gas mileage and save on car fuel.

  1. Proper tire pressure

According to the Department of Energy, your tires can improve gas mileage by up to 3% if it’s inflated correctly. Unfortunately, about 25% of car owners in the US are not aware of this and drives with a car improperly inflated every day. Reduced tire pressure increases the contact area between your car’s tire and the road. This doesn’t just use your fuel inefficiently, but it also promotes premature tire wear. 

Every one PSI drop of improperly inflated tires would mean a reduced gas mileage by about 0.2%. You can check the recommended psi of your vehicle near the door jamb on the driver’s side of the glove box. Or you can ask your trusted auto mechanic for it. Then check them at least once a week using a tire gauge to monitor tire pressure. 


       2. Change oil routinely

Using the right oil for your car can help you save at least 5 cents per gallon of fuel. Don’t forget to check the condition of your oil regularly and change it whenever necessary. Any problems with your oil will increase fuel consumption and pose risks to the car’s engine. When your car’s oil becomes sludgy or thick, your engine will burn more fuel to pump it. Apart from this, it is also essential to use the right oil recommended for your car. You may be tempted to use premium oil, but if your car’s manufacturer does not require it, there is no reason to use it. Using the recommended oil type will improve the gas mileage and performance of your vehicle. 


        3. Drive gently

Your driving habits can also affect your car’s fuel consumption. The Department of Energy says that driving aggressively can affect your highway gas mileage and city mileage by 33% and 5%, respectively. As much as possible, drive smoothly and accelerate gently. 


        4. Avoid idling

Sitting idle is considered one of the worst enemies of your vehicle. Instead of keeping the engine running while waiting for your friend,  turn it off. It can save a quarter up to half a gallon of fuel per hour. “Warming up” your engine before driving is also another bad habit that you should stop if you want to improve your car’s gas mileage. 


       5. Reduce the load and keep your car clean

Everything inside your car puts weight pressure on your vehicle. Reevaluate the items you store inside your vehicle. Are some of these items unnecessary? If not, it may be better to remove them to reduce the stress on your car’s systems and improve gas mileage.


       6. Honor maintenance schedule

Car maintenance plays a critical role in keeping your car in good condition and improving gas mileage. During maintenance, your car mechanic can check your car’s condition and features, including the air filters, spark plugs, etc. Keeping up with tune-up can also improve fuel efficiency.

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